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Write for Us

How to submit to TLSR

Send your article as a pdf file to

We recommend articles be around 500-1500 words long.

Please title your file 'ARTICLE-Title-Your Name' (e.g ARTICLE-All About the Beatles' Abby Road-John Smith)

Attach a cover image and any images you want in the body, with sources written at the end of your article.

Tell us the genre and style of your article (e.g Pop, Album Review or Hip-hop, Interview)


All your articles must be based in fact unless required to be opinionative. For example, an album review is naturally opinionated, but all other pieces must have journalistic impartiality.


All song, album, and source titles must be italicised NOT in quotation marks.

All accented names must be properly accented and names in a non-Latin script must be transliterated.

Make sure your articles are concise: they are not essays! Do not add unneeded words/ sentences.

Cite all sources at the end of your article INCLUDING images.


You can just send us your article but we would prefer you pitch it to us first! DM us on Instagram '@londonsoundreview or email


We can't wait to read your articles!!



Want to join the TLSR Editorial Team or be a Head of Department? Send us a casual application on Instagram or at

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